Health Coach - Health Coaching
The body is a perfect system, where all mechanisms are balanced & nature. For different reasons, these organs are interfered with and cause the body to lose balance. This section is designed with courses that will help you reconnect with the mechanisms of nature & reduces the burdens that directly affect the body, supporting the body to heal naturally. Courses are still being developed to diversify the needs of many body groups.
Health Blog
Health care guides using a variety of natural healing methods. Many of these methods are based on the foundations and principles of ancient Yoga; Control method Facial Therapy (treating diseases through the skin on the face and whole body), prescriptions of Vietnamese Traditional Medicine, effective natural therapies in the history of Western medicine... all will be shared in the section this.

You need advice on Yoga, health & lifestyleg
Call 0902979601 orschedule a call with Thuy Garden